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Special Operations AH-6s and F-16s from the 410th AEW provided air cover as the Rangers took their convoy to Haditha.
During the night of 1 April 2003, with support from the 410th, the Rangers seized the dam, a power station, and a transformer yard while facing light to moderate enemy resistance.
Several Iraqis were killed and wounded ; others, including 25 civilian workers, were taken prisoner.
As daylight broke over the dam, the Rangers began taking increasing enemy fire from the south as well as coordinated attacks at both ends of the dam.
Although the Rangers repelled the initial assault, Iraqi counterattacks continued with heavy mortar and artillery shells that rained down on the Rangers.
Fortunately, the Rangers had ample air support from the 410th which attacked several mortar positions.
Even without the protection of darkness, the Air Guard A-10s attacked numerous enemy positions.
At nightfall the Iraqis resumed their attacks against the Rangers, but once again close air supported the U. S. forces.
A single bomb obliterated the attackers and shattered every window in the dam complex.
Nevertheless, the siege continued for ten more days.

1.822 seconds.