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A year later, in 886, Alfred reoccupied the city of London and set out to make it habitable again.
Alfred entrusted the city to the care of his son-in law Æthelred, ealdorman of Mercia.
The restoration of London progressed through the later half of the 880s and is believed to have revolved around a new street plan, added fortifications in addition to the existing Roman walls, and, some believe, the construction of matching fortifications on the South bank of the River Thames.
This is also the period in which almost all chroniclers agree that the Saxon people of pre-unification England submitted to Alfred.
This was not, however, the point in which Alfred came to be known as King of England ; in fact he would never adopt the title for himself.
In truth the power which Alfred wielded over the English peoples at this time seemed to stem largely from the military might of the West Saxons, Alfred ’ s political connections from having the ruler of Mercia as his son-in-law, and Alfred ’ s keen administrative talents.

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