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C. J. Cherryh's Chanur series of books relies heavily on linguistic and psychological problems of communication between various alien races.
Some examples include usage of obscure languages and cultural references to conceal information from others, imperfections of computer translation, use of pidgin and linguistic barriers, psychological concepts which do not have matches in other races ' languages, and a race so alien that it cannot be understood at all without a translation by another race which itself can barely be understood due to manifold meanings in each message.
In the Foreigner universe, Cherryh explores the interface between humans and atevi, whose language relies on numerical values, causing the main character, Bren Cameron, to constantly calculate as he speaks the atevi language, Ragi.
Conversely, in the Simpsons the fact that English is mutually understood by the show's human and alien characters is noted as being " an astonishing coincidence ".

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