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In Indonesia, medicine is an undergraduate study.
The Bachelor of Medicine program is completed in 3. 5 up to 4 years and graduating students are awarded the degree of S. Ked ( Sarjana Kedokteran / Bachelor of Medicine ).
At this point, the graduate is not yet a doctor, but he or she may choose to work directly as a scientist or other non-clinician professions ( usually still health-related ).
However, most S. Ked graduates will pursue the conventional path, which is to enroll in the clerkship program for another 1. 5 up to 2 years.
This makes the total duration of medical school 5 or 6 years.
After they finish clerkship, they will take their Hippocratic Oath and be awarded the title of dr. ( medical doctor, equivalent to M. D.
in United States ).
Graduates who hold this title are licensed and may now practice medicine.
Note that this title is written in lowercase " d ", as opposed to uppercase " D ", Dr., which in Indonesia refers to a Ph. D.

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