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Corner posts are in diameter or larger, and a minimum in length may consist of treated wood or from durable on-site trees such as osage orange, black locust, red cedar, or red mulberry, also railroad ties, telephone, and power poles are salvaged to be used as corner posts ( poles and railroad ties were often treated with chemicals determined to be an environmental hazard and cannot be reused in some jurisdictions ).
In Canada spruce posts are sold for this purpose.
Posts are in diameter driven at least and may be anchored in a concrete base square and deep.
Iron posts, if used, are a minimum in diameter.
Bracing wire is typically smooth 9-gauge.
Line posts are set to a depth of about.
Conversely, steel posts are not as stiff as wood, and wires are fastened with slips along fixed teeth, which means variations in driving height affect wire spacing.

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