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On 16 December 1944, German forces began the Ardennes Offensive, more commonly known as the Battle of the Bulge.
The surprise German offensive caught Allied forces off guard.
The Germans attacked with nearly 30 divisions ; including the 1st SS, 2nd SS, and the 12th SS Panzer Divisions.
They forced a gigantic bulge in the American lines, but never attained their key goals in the northern sector of their attack.
The key to the German advance were Rollbahns in the north that would take them directly to Antwerp.
These routes were never opened.
SS-Oberstgruppenführer Sepp Dietrich's 6th Panzer Army been selected to make the main effort.
It was entrusted with the offensive's primary objective, capturing Antwerp.
However, the Germans never came close to their objective, held up by the 1st, 2nd, 9th, and 99th Infantry Divisions who refused to yield ground in the battle for Elsenborn Ridge.
The 1st SS Panzer Division — spearhead of the 6th Panzer Army — never got more than halfway to the Meuse River.

2.023 seconds.