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Jehovah ’ s Witnesses believe that individuals do not have the power to be born again, because it is God who calls and selects his followers.
This follows from the verse in John 6: 44, " No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him.
" ( King James Version ) They consider that when Jesus said in John 3: 5 that one has to be born from " water and the spirit " to enter the kingdom of God, it was not a command but a necessity, because the text states " Ye must be born again ".
On this point, their publishing organisation, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, prefers the translation: " should be born from above ".
They write: " Thus, according to that alternate rendering, the new birth originates ' from above '— that is, ' from heaven ,' or ' from the Father.
' ...
Yes it is caused by God.

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