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The British-Israel-World Federation continues to exist, with its headquarters in Bishop Auckland, County Durham, and local chapters throughout the British Isles.
The most recently established chapter is BIWF-USA, based in Heber Springs, Arkansas.
In London the Orange Street Congregational Church teaches a form of British Israelism, and the Ensign Trust publishes The Ensign Message in its furtherance.
In Australia the Christian Revival Crusade, founded by Leo Harris, once taught this theology, but has abandoned it.
The Revival Centres International, a prominent group that separated from the Crusade, and other splinter groups, continue to teach the doctrine.
The " Churches of God " in Ireland are also known for their teaching on this subject.
There is also the " British-Israel Church of God ".
British Israelite literature also continues to be produced.
Historical Research Projects is a modern British Israelite publisher that has published In Search of ...
The Origin of Nations ( 2003 ), which mainly attempts to establish that Northern Europeans descended from Shem.
Another modern British Israelite author is Steven M. Collins, who has published at least three books claiming to trace the Israelite origins of certain European nations.
A recent source estimates that there are only 5, 000 members or adherents of British Israelism in Britain, with unknown but similar numbers in the United States and the Commonwealth.

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