
from Wikipedia
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Given the federal nature of the holiday, celebrating Canada Day can be a cause of friction in the province of Quebec, where the holiday is overshadowed by Quebec's National Holiday, on June 24.
For example, the federal government funds Canada Day events at the Old Port of Montreal — an area run by a federal Crown corporation — while the National Holiday parade is a grassroots effort that has been met with pressure to cease, even from federal officials.
The nature of the event has also been met with criticism outside of Quebec, such as that given by Ottawa Citizen columnist David Warren, who said in 2007: " The Canada of the government-funded paper flag-waving and painted faces — the ' new ' Canada that is celebrated each year on what is now called ' Canada Day '— has nothing controversially Canadian about it.
You could wave a different flag, and choose another face paint, and nothing would be lost.

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