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Michael Korda, author of Male Chauvinism!
How It Works, compared chauvinistic husbands to the hedgehog from a well-known Russian fable, The Hedgehog and the Fox ; they have one way of thinking, and it is so engrained that they cannot change it.
Chauvinistic men see marriage as a particular type of relationship, with defined responsibilities for each spouse, where women are expected to stay home to cook, clean, and raise children.
Men are expected to work outside of the home, and are permitted to have whatever job they choose.
Chauvinistic men believe “ that women are to be bullied, or humored, or charmed, or ignored .” Male chauvinism is seen in the home in different cultures.
It is a classical concept of the Jewish religious tradition, and the Christian faith has long been criticized for the general superiority complex of males.
Muslim tradition expects their women to be subservient and it is their societal norm for women to reveal little, if any of their face.

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