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The Doctor returns to the present, and learns that Scaroth has succeeded in stealing the Mona Lisa.
Furthermore, Scaroth has killed Dr. Kerensky and threatens to do the same to the entire city of Paris if Romana does not complete Kerensky's work.
The Doctor manages to convince the Countess to help them by revealing the Count's alien face, but the Count kills her before she can react.
With the time equipment fixed, Scaroth uses it to travel back 400 million years in hopes to stop the explosion of his ship.
Though Romana reveals that the equipment will bring him back after 2 minutes, the Doctor asserts that it is enough time for Scaroth to stop the explosion of the Jagaroth ship, itself the source of the spark of energy that created the beginnings of life on Earth ; should Scaroth prevent the explosion, every native living being on the planet will never have existed.
The Doctor, Romana, and Duggan race to the TARDIS and travel back to intercept Scaroth.
Duggan punches Scaroth unconscious before he can stop the ship.
Scaroth's body returns to the present as the ship attempts to take off and explodes, assuring the development of life on Earth.

1.848 seconds.