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Chinese troops used tàigǔ drums to motivate troops, to help set a marching pace, and to call out orders or announcements.
For example, during a war between Qi and Lu in 684 BC, the effect of drum on soldier's morale is employed to change the result of a major battle.
Fife-and-drum corps of Swiss mercenary foot soldiers also used drums.
They used an early version of the snare drum carried over the player's right shoulder, suspended by a strap ( typically played with one hand using traditional grip ).
It is to this instrument that the English word " drum " was first used.
Similarly, during the English Civil War rope-tension drums would be carried by junior officers as a means to relay commands from senior officers over the noise of battle.
These were also hung over the shoulder of the drummer and typically played with two drum sticks.
Different regiments and companies would have distinctive and unique drum beats which only they would recognize.
In the mid-19th century, the Scottish military started incorporating pipe bands into their Highland Regiments.

1.974 seconds.