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Accordingly, Gregorian Easter can fall on 35 possible dates — between 22 March and 25 April inclusive.
It last fell on 22 March in 1818, and will not do so again until 2285.
It fell on 23 March in 2008, but will not do so again until 2160.
Easter last fell on the latest possible date, 25 April, in 1943 and will next fall on that date in 2038.
However, it fell on 24 April, just one day before this latest possible date, in 2011 and will not do so again until 2095.
The cycle of Easter dates repeats after exactly 5, 700, 000 years, with 19 April being the most common date, happening 220, 400 times or 3. 9 %, compared to the median for all dates of 189, 525 times or 3. 3 %.

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