
from Wikipedia
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The Chalukyas, who defeated the Kalacuris as well as the Konkan Mauryas, are also believed by some to be creators of the main cave, in the mid 7th century.
The Rashtrakutas are the last claimants to the creation of the main cave, approximated to the early 7th to late 8th century.
The Elephanta Shiva cave resembles in some aspects the 8th century Rashtrakuta rock-temple Kailash at Ellora.
The Trimurti of Elephanta showing the three faces of Shiva is akin to the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh ( Shiva ), which was the royal insignia of the Rashtrakutas.
The Nataraja and Ardhanarishvara sculptures are also attributed to the Rashtrakutas.

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