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In 2005, Wallach released his autobiography The Good, the Bad and Me: In My Anecdotage.
In it, Wallach wrote about his famous role as Tuco in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, commenting that he did not realize he was going to be " blessed " with the title " Ugly " until he saw the film.
He remarked that it was an honor to work with Clint Eastwood, whom he praised for his professionalism.
Wallach also mentioned that director Sergio Leone was notoriously careless regarding the safety of his actors during dangerous scenes.
It was during filming that Wallach accidentally drank from a bottle of acid that a film technician had carelessly placed next to his soda bottle.
He spat it out immediately, but was furious because his vocal cords could have been damaged if he had swallowed any of it.
Leone gave him some milk to wash out his mouth and apologized for the incident, but also commented that accidents do happen.

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