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The ancient Churches, such as the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox exclude non-members from Communion under normal circumstances, though the Catholics may allow exceptions, e. g., for non-members in danger of death who share their faith in the reality of the Eucharist and who are unable to have access to a minister of their own community.
Some Protestant communities including most Lutheran churches practice closed communion and require catechetical instruction for all people before receiving the Eucharist.
Many of the stricter communities of the Reformed and Presbyterian denominations practice a form of restricted Communion, which they designate Close Communion ( to distinguish it from the closed communion system mentioned above ).
Believing it is the elders ' responsibility to ensure that participants do not " eat and drink judgment to themselves " ( as mentioned in I Corinthians 11: 27-34 ) they require those who would participate to make themselves known to the Kirk Session before the service begins.
When it comes time to issue the invitation to come to the table the warning from I Corinthians 11: 27-29 is read which is referred to as " fencing the table.
" Thereafter, when the elements are distributed they are passed to those who are known to the Kirk Session as members of the Congregation, members of sister Churches and those who have already met with the elders.
The elements are not passed to others.

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