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The Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro ( OND ) or " National After-work Program " was one major social welfare initiative in Fascist Italy.
Created in 1925, it was the state's largest recreational organisation for adults.
The Dopolavoro was responsible for establishing and maintaining 11, 000 sports grounds, over 6, 400 libraries, 800 movie houses, 1, 200 theatres, and over 2, 000 orchestras.
Membership of the Dopolavoro was voluntary, but it had high participation because of its nonpolitical nature.
It is estimated that, by 1936, the OND had organised 80 % of salaried workers and, by 1939, 40 % of the industrial workforce.
The sports activities proved popular with large numbers of workers.
The OND had the largest membership of any of the mass Fascist organisations in Italy.

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