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Nestorius tried to answer a question considered unsolved: " How can Jesus Christ, being part man, not be partially a sinner as well, since man is by definition a sinner since the Fall ".
To solve that he taught that Mary, the mother of Jesus gave birth to the incarnate Christ, not the divine Logos who existed before Mary and indeed before time itself.
The Logos occupied the part of the human soul ( the part of man that was stained by the Fall ).
But wouldn't the absence of a human soul make Jesus less human?
Nestorius rejected this proposition, answering that, because the human soul was based on the archetype of the Logos, only to become polluted by the Fall, Jesus was " more " human for having the Logos and not " less ".
Consequently, Nestorius argued that the Virgin Mary should be called Christotokos, Greek for " Birth Giver of Christ ", and not Theotokos, Greek for " Birth Giver of God ".

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