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While the official story given by Lemmon to the police placed her in the living room with party guests at the time of the shooting, statements from Fred Crane, who was Reeves ' friend and colleague from " Gone With The Wind ," put Leonore Lemmon either inside or in direct proximity to Reeves ' bedroom, minimally as a witness to the shooting.
According to Crane, Bill Bliss had told Millicent Trent that, after the shot rang out, and while Bliss was having a drink, Leonore Lemmon came downstairs and said, “ Tell them I was down here, tell them I was down here !” In an interview with Carl Glass, Crane expanded on this: " It needed to be said and that is the way I heard it from Millie as it was told to her by Bill Bliss.
Janet Bliss and Millie were very close friends.
I met Millie at Bill and Janet ’ s house up in Benedict Canyon on Easton Drive.
We lived on the same street.

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