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Though Gilliam County is located in central Oregon, politically it falls in line with the eastern side of the state.
The majority of registered voters who are part of a political party in Gilliam County, as well as most counties in eastern Oregon, are members of the Republican Party.
In the 2008 presidential election, 58. 36 % of Gilliam County voters voted for Republican John McCain, while 38. 74 % voted for Democrat Barack Obama and 2. 88 % of voters either voted for a Third Party candidate or wrote in a candidate.
These numbers show a small but clear shift towards the Democratic candidate when compared to the 2004 presidential election, in which 66. 3 % of Gilliam Country voters voted for George W. Bush, while 32. 5 % voted for John Kerry, and 1. 2 % of voters either voted for a Third Party candidate or wrote in a candidate.

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