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He is for the most part an outspoken conservative ( he once said dreamily that he missed voting for Ronald Reagan.
) He was initially a huge fan of George W. Bush, but had second thoughts about voting for him because of his weak handshake, and when asked if he would vote for " the other guy ," presumably Al Gore, he responded " I don't know.
" Hank is a registered Republican, but has respect for some old-school Democrats such as fellow Texan Lyndon B. Johnson.
His purebred Georgia bloodhound Ladybird is named after Lady Bird Johnson, the wife of President Johnson, and Hank has made mention that the bloodhound's mom helped track down James Earl Ray, assassin of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. after an attempted prison escape.
However, Hank also shows deference to Jimmy Carter when they meet ( though he later expresses his opinion that he was a weak president ) and greatly respects former Democratic Texas Governor Ann Richards ( although he displays great respect for, and deference to, all authority figures, but the respect was most likely the result of Hank's great liking of Texas culture and history as mentioned throughout the show ).

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