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There is a contradictory account of Harthacnut's death featured in the Morkinskinna ( 13th century ).
According to this account, Magnus I of Norway ( reigned 1034 – 1047 ) visited the court of Harthacnut in Denmark, received with all official honors.
The two monarchs then argued on a matter of etiquette, on whether the host or the guest should drink first.
Each man offering the honor to the other.
The two eventually agreed that the host should drink first.
Then Álfífa ( Ælfgifu of Northampton ) entered the royal hall, welcoming Magnus.
She poured a drink for him.
But the guest offered the drink to Harthacnut.
He drank from the drinking horn and fell dead, poisoned.
Álfífa had thus intended to poison Magnus, but accidentally killed Harthacnut instead.
She fled to escape punishment.

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