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HL7 ’ s initial involvement in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ( HIPAA ) legislation began in 1996 with the formation of the Attachments special interest group to standardize the supplemental information needed to support health care insurance, and other e-commerce transactions.
The initial deliverable of this group was a set of six recommended Claims Attachments for the Notice of Proposed Rule Making ( NPRM ) process.
Future attachment projects include, but are not limited to, Home Health, Skilled Nursing Facility, durable medical equipment ( DME ), end stage renal disease ( ESRD ), and Pre-Authorization and Referrals.
The Attachment special interest group is responsible for implementing the Administrative Simplification provisions of HIPAA mandates, providing on-going support, and representing HL7 in the Designated Standards Maintenance Organization ( DSMO ) efforts.
Its purpose is to encourage the use of HL7 for uniform implementation of this supplemental information.
This SIG coordinates industry input to produce and maintain guides for HL7 messages that can stand alone or be embedded within ANSI X12 transactions.

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