
from Wikipedia
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The Annihilation Wave had a profound impact on all of Galactus ’ former heralds as Annihilus ordered his forces to bring him the heralds of Galactus alive in the hopes of analyzing and mastering the Power Cosmic.
The first to encounter the Wave was Air-Walker, who had regained much of his identity as Gabriel Lan.
Sadly, Air-Walker fell during an attack on his homeworld of Xandar by a villain named Ravenous and his fellow Seekers.
Without his stalwart partner, Firelord teamed up with Red Shift, who had recently escaped his own black hole.
When Galactus realized the danger posed by the Annihilation Wave, he ordered Stardust to combine forces with his two former heralds.
Meanwhile, the Seekers failed to capture the power cosmic from the dead body of Morg but they managed to confront and captured Terrax.
Finally, in the chaos of Annihilation Wave events, the Fallen One escaped once again and joined forces with Tenebrous and Aegis ( Cosmic Entity ), both also ancient enemies of Galactus, however, the two gods smelled the scent of Galactus on Fallen One and drained his energy, killing him.
Later on, Thanos traveled to reclaim his lost Herald and was presented with the husk of the Fallen One by Tenebrous and Aegis.

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