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In 1530, Catherine was banished from court and spent the remainder of her life ( until her death in 1536 ) alone in an isolated manor home, barred from any contact with Mary ( although her ladies-in-waiting helped the two maintain a secret correspondence ).
Their marriage was declared invalid, making Mary an illegitimate child.
Henry married Anne Boleyn in secret in 1531, just as his divorce from Catherine was finalized.
After this, they had a second, public wedding.
Anne soon became pregnant and may have already been when they wed.
But on 7 September 1533, she gave birth to a daughter, Elizabeth.
The king was devastated at his failure to obtain a son after all the effort it had taken to remarry.
Gradually, he came to develop a disliking of his new queen for her strange behaviour.
In 1536, when Anne was pregnant again, Henry was badly injured in a jousting accident.
Shaken by this, the queen gave birth prematurely to a stillborn boy.
By now, the king was convinced that his marriage was hexed, and having already found a new queen, Jane Seymour, he put Anne in the Tower of London on charges of witchcraft.
Afterwards, she was beheaded along with five men ( her brother included ) accused of adultery with her.
The marriage was then declared invalid, so that Elizabeth, just like her half sister, became a bastard.

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