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When Peter II died, there were multiple candidates for the throne including Peter I ’ s first wife, Yevdokiya, and Peter I ’ s daughter, Elizabeth However, Alexis Dolgoruky and his allies chose Anna Ivanonva, the daughter of Peter I ’ s half brother Ivan, because the Supreme Privy Council wanted a ruler that would not impose on the powers of the Council, allowing them to continue to virtually rule the empire The Supreme Privy Council offered her the throne with “ Konditsii ” or Conditions These included the inability of the empress to marry, designate a successor, declare war or peace, raise taxes, or spend state revenue without the consent of the Council Many other nobles saw this as an aristocratic grab for power and told the would-be empress so as soon as she arrived in Moscow Ultimately, Anna invalidated the conditions, abolished the Council and sent many members who advocated the conditions into exile.
During her reign, Anna relied heavily on Ernst Johann von Biron ( her longtime adviser and lover ), making many refer to her reign as “ Bironovshchina ” ( Biron ’ s repressive regime ) Together, they repealed Peter I ’ s legislature which prohibited nobles dividing up their estates amongst their sons while similarly reducing the nobility ’ s state service requirements Many associate her reign as a time of foreign domination, particularly German, in the court However, this mainly stems from the fact that a few Germans had high ranking positions During her reign, Anna remained involved in external conflicts.
From 1733-1736, Russia became allied with Austria against France and Spain in the War of Polish Succession.
Russia and Austria joined to stop the election of a French candidate for the Polish throne, allowing Austria ’ s favored candidate to win Later, allied with Austria, Russia went to war with the Ottoman Empire in the hopes of gaining new territory.
This war, lasting 1735-1739 “ secured the restoration of Azov to Russia and some lands between Azov and the Dniester ” but at high casualty rates, mainly due to disease Anna Ivanonva named the young son of Anna Leopoldovna and the Duke of Brunswick, Ivan VI, as her successor and Biron as his regent

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