
from Wikipedia
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Dr. Paoze Thao and some others feel strongly that " Hmong " can refer only to Hmong Der people and does not include Mong Leng people.
He feels that the usage of " Hmong " in reference to both groups perpetuates the marginalization of Mong Leng language and culture.
Thus, he advocates the usage of both " Hmong " and " Mong " when referring to the entire ethnic group.
Other scholars, including anthropologist Dr. Gary Yia Lee ( a Hmong Der person ), suggest that " Hmong " has been used for the past 30 years to refer to the entire community and that the inclusion of Mong Leng people is understood.
Some argue that such distinctions create unnecessary divisions within the global community and will only confuse non-Hmong and Mong people trying to learn more about Hmong and Mong history and culture.

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