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Due to their small size and sluggish swimming abilities ; holoplankton have made certain adaptations and are equipped with special defenses.
Adaptations include flat bodies, lateral spines, oil droplets, floats filled with gases, sheaths made of gel like substances and ion replacement.
Zooplankton have adapted by developing transparent bodies, bright colors, bad tastes and cyclomorphosis.
When predators release a chemical in the water to signal zooplankton ; cyclomorphosis allows holoplankton to increase their spines and protective shields.
Studies have shown that although small in size certain gelatinous zooplankton are rich in protein and lipid.
" Many holoplankton seem to have very little visible defense mechanisms ; therefore, it is hypothesized that a chemical defense may be possible.
Pelagic cnidarians have nematocysts that eject a tightly coiled venomous thread very rapidly.
These threads penetrate the surface of their target and release a venom.

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