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Two of his canvasses are at the Luxembourg, one at the Brussels Museum ( Avant la Corrida ), and one ( The Poet Don Miguel ) at the Vienna Gallery.
The Pau Museum owns an interesting portrait of a lady ; the Barcelona Municipal Museum, the important group Amies ; the Venice Gallery, Madame Louise ; and the Berlin Gallery, The Topers.
Other examples are in the Budapest, Stuttgart, Ghent, PoznaƄ, and New York City galleries and in many important private collections.
One of the American collections to feature Zuloaga's work is the Johns Hopkins University's Evergreen Museum & Library, Baltimore, Maryland.
Officially owned by the Evergreen House Foundation, an independent entity started by Zuloaga's great friend, philanthropist Alice Warder Garrett ( 1877-1952 ), Evergreen's works include full-length portraits of Mrs. Garrett ( 1915 ; 1934 ); a seated portrait of Ambassador John Work Garrett ( 1872-1942 ); a Spanish landscape ; a painting based on the opera, " Goyescas "; and a landscape of Calatayud ( Spain ).

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