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The food from Uttrakhand is known to be wholesome to suit the high-energy necessities of the cold, mountainous region.
It is traditionally cooked over wood fire.
The cuisine mainly consists of food from two different sub regions — Garhwal and Kumaon — though their basic ingredients are the same.
Use of spices like jambu, rai, timmer, ghandhraini, bhangira add bhang is common.
A distinctive trait of Kumauni cuisine is the infrequent use of dairy products, as cows from hilly areas do not yield much milk.
Both the Garhwal and Kumaon styles make liberal use of ghee, charcoal cooking, lentils or pulses, and bhaatt ( rice ).
To combat the extreme winters and possible exhausting of food, they also use Badi ( sun-dried Urad Dal balls ) and Mangodi ( sun-dried Moong Dal balls ) as substitute for vegetables at times.
In general, Uttarkhand cuisine resembles that of Uttar Pradesh.

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