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The Resolution of the Comintern for official recognition of the Macedonian nation and Macedonian language, although published as a resolution of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization ( United ), was undoubtedly the most significant international acknowledgement of the Macedonian national individuality, which had very favorable consequences for its development and affirmation.
The text of this historic document was prepared in the period December 20, 1933 – January 7, 1934, by the Balkan Secretariat of the Comintern.
It was accepted by the Political Secretariat in Moscow on January 11, 1934, and approved by the Executive Committee of the Comintern.
It was published for the first time in the April issue of Makedonsko Delo under the title ‘ The Situation in Macedonia and the Tasks of IMRO ( United )’.
After replying to those who, even within the progressive movement, denied the existence of a separate Macedonian nation, the Resolution, among other things, stated: "... The bourgeoisie of the ruling nations in the three imperialist states among which Macedonia is partitioned, tries to camouflage its national oppression, denying the national features of the Macedonian people and the existence of the Macedonian nation ...". By 1935, the IMRO ( United ) organisation in Greece was working closely with the Communist Party of Greece ( KKE ).
Indeed on 3 July 1935, the KKE newspaper, Rizospastis, reported a statement issued by the IMRO ( United ) organisation in Edesa ( Voden ) and signed by G. Slavos: "... We Macedonians also insist on not being called Bulgarians, for we are neither Bulgarians, nor Serbs, nor Greeks, but Macedonians.
We invite all Macedonians to join the ranks of the IMRO ( United ), and all of us together will fight for a free Macedonia ..." Another IMRO ( United ) statement suggested that the organisation aimed at representing all peoples of Macedonia: " The IMRO ( United ) declared that " the Macedonian people " consisted of " all the nationalities that used to live and still live there, and in behalf of whom we speak of: Bulgarians, Albanians, Turks, Jews, Vlachs, Greeks, Gypsies.
" Simultaneously all of the IMRO ( United ) leaders declared himself as Bulgarians before the Resolution of the Comintern from 1934.
Until its dissolution in 1936 it sought to act as part of a Bulgarian Communist Party, Communist Party of Yugoslavia and the Communist Party of Greece and in fact attempted to play the part of a Communist led Macedonian national or popular front.

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