
from Wikipedia
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Some of the treasures in Tutankhamun's tomb are noted for their apparent departure from traditional depictions of the boy king.
Certain cartouches where a king's name should appear have been altered, as if to reuse the property of a previous pharaoh — as often occurred.
However, this instance may simply be the product of " updating " the artifacts to reflect the shift from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun.
Other differences are less easy to explain, such as the older, more angular facial features of the middle coffin and canopic coffinettes.
The most widely accepted theory for these latter variations is that the items were originally intended for Smenkhkare, who may or may not be the mysterious KV55 mummy.
This mummy, according to craniological examinations, bears a striking first-order ( father-to-son, brother-to-brother ) relationship to Tutankhamun.

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