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After the publication of Michelle Remembers, Pazder was considered to be an expert in the area of satanic ritual abuse.
With the sudden emergence of satanic ritual abuse cases in the 1980s ( likely due to the publication of Michelle Remembers ), Pazder's expertise was called upon.
In 1984, Pazder acted as a consultant in the McMartin preschool trial.
Pazder also appeared on the first major news report on Satanism ( broadcast on May 16, 1985 ), by ABC ’ s 20 / 20.
In the report titled " The Devil Worshippers ", Pazder discussed the clues that he felt indicated satanic practices.
Pazder also took part in first national seminar at which law enforcement were introduced to the satanic ritual abuse of children ( in Fort Collins, Colorado, on September 9 – 12, 1986 ).
Subsequently Pazder was part of the CCIN ( Cult Crime Impact Network ) and lectured to police agencies about satanic ritual abuse during the late 1980s along with other speakers such as Mike Warnke.
By 1987 Pazder reported that he was spending a third of his time consulting on satanic ritual abuse cases.
By September 1990, Pazder had been consulted “ in more than 1, 000 ‘ ritual abuse ’ cases ”.

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