
from Wikipedia
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Most of the men reported that their parents and societal attitudes pressured them into being " real boys " because of the men's personalities as children.
A huge portion of the men also suffered from physical abuse by their parents and often could not rely on them for emotional support.
This also extended to their relatives and even as adults still could not rely on them for emotional support.
It is possible that their parents ' abuse and uncaring attitude to their son's emotions, desires and interests were responsible for part of their social inhibitions.
Even as grown men, the love-shy men's parents expressed that they were disappointed to have them as sons and still belittled them for their current situations.
Most were upset that their sons never married and had no grandchildren to leave their heirlooms to.
It was also stated that they seldom or even never visited their sons.
Ironically, though most of the love-shy men disliked or even hated their parents, they visited them constantly, because they were the only people they could interact with and also to receive financial support despite also receiving heavy hazing.
This hazing would cause the men to feel very depressed and heart-broken.
This is stated in the chapters of his book " Parents as a Cause for Love-shyness " and " The Family as a Hot Bed for Rage and Belittlement ".

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