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In 1982 he added the nickname Lula to his legal name.
In 1983 he helped found the Central Única dos Trabalhadores ( CUT ) union association.
In 1984 PT and Lula joined the popular Diretas Já!
( Direct Now!
) campaign, demanding a direct popular vote for the next Brazilian presidential election.
According to the 1967 constitution, Presidents were at that time elected by both Houses of Congress in joint session, with representatives of all State Legislatures ; this was widely recognised as a mere sham as, since the March 1964 coup d ' état, each " elected " President had been a retired general chosen in a closed military caucus.
Lula and the PT supported the public demand for a change in the electoral system.
But the campaign was defeated by a vote in Congress that rejected an amendment calling direct elections for next year, and, in 1985, a civilian president, Tancredo Neves, was elected by the same indirect procedure, with Lula's support.
Only four years later, as a direct result of Diretas Já!
and after years of popular struggle, the 1989 elections were the first to elect a President by direct popular vote in 29 years.

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