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These two theodices can be found in the denominational segregation within the religious community.
The main division can be seen between the mainline Protestant and evangelical denominations and their relation to the class in to which their particular theodicy pertains.
For example, mainline churches, with their upper class congregations, " promote order, stability, and conservatism, and in so doing proved to be a powerful source of legitimation of the status quo and of existing disparities in the distribution of wealth and power " because much of the wealth of the church comes from the congregation.
In contrast, Pentecostal churches adopted the theodicy of misfortune.
They instead " advocated change intended to advance the cause of justice and fairness ".
Thus the learned and upper class religious churches who preach the theodicy of fortune, ultimately support capitalism and corporation, while the churches who adopted the theodicy of misfortune, instead preached equality and fairness.

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