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Modern Jewish movements are based on Pharisaic Judaism was embodied in the Talmud.
The Talmud is replete with references and anecdotes about the Messiah and the Messianic era.
It states in tractate Sanhedrin " The Jews are destined to eat fill in the days of the Messiah ", " The world was created only ... for the sake of the Messiah.
" and " All the prophets prophesied the good things only in respect of the Messianic era.
" It also provides exegesis of scriptural verses which illustrate the events that will occur at that time.
For example, resurrection of the dead, which is exegetically supported by a verse in Exodus 15: " Az Yashir Moshe ..."-" Then will sing ...", from which is derived that " then " ( in the Messianic Era ) Moses will arise and once again sing as he did at the time of the Exodus.
( Some Jewish texts also refer to a " Messiah ben Joseph " or " Messiah ben Ephraim ", a military leader descended from the biblical Ephraim, who will successfully lead the army of Israel in many battles before being killed by Armilus, when Israel is defeated by Gog and Magog.
His body will subsequently lie unburied in the Jerusalem streets for forty days, and he will be the first person resurrected by the Messiah descended from King David ).

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