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Despite the popularity of the series, it was also subject to much controversy from parents who felt the show was too violent for young children.
The show had aired before television stations issued content warnings, the V-chip, and television ratings.
In the USA, numerous complaints were sent to the Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ).
In 1993, the Canadian broadcast rights to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were jointly purchased by the over-the-air Canwest Global System and the YTV cable channel, and the series played to a receptive audience on weekday mornings on Global Television in Ontario and weekday afternoons on YTV, the latter trailing the American broadcast by several months.
However, due to complaints sent to the recently formed Canadian Broadcast Standards Council and a negative assessment from that body over the show's violent content, YTV removed the series from their line-up.
Despite not actually being a member of the CBSC, YTV complied and pulled the series before the end of its first season ; Global ( which was a CBSC member ) ultimately did the same.
While a phone-in poll was conducted to see if viewers wanted MMPR back on YTV, no further installments of the Power Rangers franchise ever aired on the network ( until 2011's Power Rangers Samurai ), although commercials for toys and videos were advertised on the network.
Later Disney-era versions of the series were broadcast on Family.

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