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In September 1990, a referendum ( confined to Serb population ) was held in the Krajina on the question of Serb " sovereignty and autonomy " in Croatia, which was passed by a majority of 99. 7 %.
The vote was declared illegal and invalid by the Croatian government.
Babić's administration in Knin then announced the creation of a Serbian Autonomous District ( Српска аутономна област, САО, Srpska autonomna oblast, SAO ) of Krajina on December 21, 1990 and on April 1, 1991, declared that it would secede from Croatia to join Serbia.
Other Serb-dominated communities in eastern Croatia announced that they also would join the SAO.
Babić was elected President of the Executive Council of the SAO on April 30 and was subsequently appointed Minister of the Interior and Minister of Defence by the Krajina Serb Assembly.
In this capacity, he established an armed militia, blockading roads and effectively severing the Croatian coastal region of Dalmatia from the rest of the country.
Clashes between Krajina Serbs and Croatian security forces broke out almost immediately after Croatia declared independence, leaving dozens dead.

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