
from Wikipedia
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France, along with the United Kingdom, was one of the first participants in World War II after declaring war on Germany following its invasion of Poland in 1939.
After the Phoney War from 1939 to 1940, the Germans conducted a brilliant campaign in the Low Countries and, in the Battle of France, managed to inflict defeat on the Allied forces.
France formally surrendered to Germany and Italy — who invaded late in the campaign — on 25 June 1940, and a collaborationist government, the French State, was established.
On 18 June 1940, as an answer to Pétain's own June 17 appeal to " cease the fight " and to obey him on the French national radio, Charles de Gaulle gave a memorable speech to the French people on the English speaking London emitting BBC Radio, telling them that " France has lost a battle, but France has not lost the war " ( the battle of France and World War II respectively ).
OF Paris ( OF-Okręt Francuski-" French ship ") but due to lack of personnel the ship was never handed over to the Polish Navy and was used by the British as an accommodation ship in Devonport.

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