
from Wikipedia
Synagogue in Jurbarkas.
Lithuania was the Misnagdic heartland, with Vilna a " Jerusalem " for other Talmudic strongholds.
Hasidim and Misnagdim Jewish schisms | diverged as two interpretations within Rabbinic Judaism: Misnagdim believed in Kabbalah, as Lurianic Kabbalah replaced " Rationalist " Medieval Jewish philosophy | philosophical method as complete structure of theology in traditional development until today.
However, Misnagdic Kabbalistic study and Jewish meditation | practice remained traditionally restricted to elite, with popular devotion in intellectual Talmudic rigour and later Mussar movement | Ethics.
Hasidism popularised mysticism in new Deveikut | psychology for the masses.
Conversely, mastery of Rabbinic literature and Talmud could be found in both camps, as scholars were also attracted to Hasidic philosophy.
Lithuanian Jews | Lithuanian -" Yeshiva " and Hasidic paths continue today as the two reconciled alternative streams in Eastern European Judaism

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