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In 1967, seven of the top model agents in London formed the Association of London Model Agents or ALMA.
The formation of this association helped legitimize modeling and changed the fashion industry.
Even with a more professional attitude towards modeling, models were still expected to have their hair and makeup done before they arrived at the shoot.
However, agencies took the responsibility of a models promotional materials and branding.
That same year, former top fashion model Wilhelmina Cooper opened up her own fashion agency wither her husband called Wilhelmina Models.
By 1968, FM Agency and Models 1 were established and represented models in a similar way they do today.
By the late 1960s, models were treated being treated better and making better wages.
One of the innovators, Ford Models was the first agency to advance models money they were owed and would often allow teen models who didn't live locally to reside in their house, a precursor to model housing.

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