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His next gaffe first being the October 2004 controversy was the declaration that Israel's cruelty could be explained by the fact that the Old Testament is full of justification of bloody deeds by the ancient Hebrews.
The inescapable corollary is that all Jews are cruel.
Of course, his remarks have several flaws.
Even if, for the moment, we grant the characterization of the Old Testament, it does not follow that all who claim to follow it see it that way and act accordingly.
Second, a more realistic evaluation of these scriptures would recognize that they contain the work of many authors with different views produced over many centuries, with later works often more sophisticated.
Amos, who declares, " Let justice flow down like the waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream ," can hardly be characterized as bloodthirsty.
Finally, Elmasry's take on the Old Testament is un-Islamic.
The Quran identifies some of the patriarchs in the Jewish scriptures as prophets, and it speaks respectfully of Jews and Christians as " people of the book ".

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