
from Wikipedia
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* ELIHU REYNOLDS, Owsley County, was the only one of the five Confederates who went from Owsley that served through and returned.
Two were killed, and two remained in the South.
He and one other recruit encountered five Federal soldiers in Breathitt County before the company left the State, and though his companions fled, Reynolds stood his ground and handled his gun with such determination that the Federals took to flight after one of them was hit.
He was in every battle of his regiment ; was on the picket line at Kennesaw when a Federal force tried to surprise them, but he was on his guard while the others were unsuspecting, and would have been captured and the command surprised and endangered, had he not fired his gun.
Thereupon all sprang to arms, and a sharp conflict ensued, during which every one was either wounded or had his clothes pierced.
Reynolds was shot twice in his hands.
When the regiment was recalled from the attack on the Federal line at Jonesborough, he carried a wounded comrade out on his back, though he himself was also wounded.

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