
from Wikipedia
In another interview, recalling an altercation with law enforcement, Van Zandt recalled, " We got stopped by these two policeman and ... they said ' What do you do for a living?
', and I said, ' Well, I'm a songwriter ', and they both kind of looked around like ' pitiful, pitiful ', and so on to that I added, ' I wrote that song Pancho and Lefty.
You ever heard that song Pancho and Lefty?
I wrote that ', and they looked back around and they looked at each other and started grinning, and it turns out that their squad car, you know their partnership, it was two guys, it was an Anglo and a Hispanic, and it turns out, they're called Pancho and Lefty .. so I think maybe that's what it's about, those two guys .. I hope I never see them again

1.930 seconds.