
from Wikipedia
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The City of Fairfield is considered one of the most ethnically diverse suburbs in the entire world.
According to the 1991 census, 70 percent of Cabramatta's population were immigrants.
Around 25 percent were of Vietnamese descent while another 10 percent were of other Asian origins, only two percent of the population was of Anglo-Saxon descent.
John Newman had been elected to the Fairfield council in 1977 and was known for his campaigns against the Asian criminal gangs that were a serious problem.
At the time the media regularly portrayed Cabramatta as a " centre of criminality " and the heroin capital of Australia while Newman considered Ngo to have a part in that due to his involvement with the Mekong Club which many believed to be laundering money for the Cabramatta gangs.
According to his priest, Ngo had very strong opinions regarding Europeans ; that they were all " stupid " and racist.

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