
from Wikipedia
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Dr. R. Cecil Gentry became the director of Stormfury in 1968.
There were no more near-seedings until 1969.
In the interim, equipment was improved.
What once was the primitive method of hand-dumping dry ice was replaced with rocket canisters loaded with silver iodide, and then gun-like devices mounted on the wings of the airplanes that fired silver iodide into the clouds.
Observation equipment was improved.
Additional reconnaissance data was utilized to modify the working hypothesis.
The new theory took cumulus towers outside the eyewall into account.
According to the revised theory, by seeding the towers, latent heat would be released.
This would trigger the start of new convection, which would then cause a new eyewall.
Since the new eyewall was outside the original one, the first eyewall would be choked off of energy and fall apart.
In addition, since the new eyewall was broader than the old one, the winds would be lower due to a less sharp pressure difference.

2.226 seconds.