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In the same year, vocalist and guitarist Arie as well as bassist Remy quit the band.
According to Bart this decision was influenced by several factors ; " I had wanted to bring in someone into the band for vocals all the way back in 2001, this was not possible at the time as some ex-members of the band felt that it would diminish their importance or feel threatened.
" He added, "... you see, back in 2002, we weren't expecting all this to happen a month before recording-and to have to write the other half of the album in 4 weeks ... if there had been no changes at all, we would have had to deal with similar issues anyway.
That's because, little did we know at the time, the other guitarist had only one song ready a month before studio ( despite telling us he had material for four songs ) so either way we would have had four weeks to write the rest of the album.
Maybe he chose to deal with it by leaving the band, I don't know and I don't really care.

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