
from Wikipedia
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On December 28, 1908, at exactly 5: 21 AM, the town was hit by a heavy earthquake and shook violently for 31 seconds.
Damage was even worse in Messina across the Straits.
It is estimated that 25, 000 people perished in Reggio and 65, 000 in Messina.
Reggio lost 27 % of its inhabitants and Messina lost 42 %.
Ten minutes after the catastrophic earthquake those who tried to escape running towards the open spaces of the coast were engulfed by a 10 metre high tsunami.
Three waves of 6 – 12 metres swept away the whole waterfront.
The 1908 Messina earthquake remains one of the worst on record in modern western European history.
It took Reggio a generation to fully recover.
The city was rebuilt according to then modern standards.

1.947 seconds.