
from Wikipedia
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Hudson was further coached in acting, singing, dancing, fencing, and horseback riding at Universal International, and he began to be featured in film magazines where he was promoted, possibly on the basis of his good looks.
Success and recognition came in 1954 with Magnificent Obsession in which Hudson plays a bad boy who is redeemed opposite the popular star Jane Wyman.
The film received rave reviews, with Modern Screen Magazine citing Hudson as the most popular actor of the year.
Hudson's popularity soared with George Stevens ' Giant, based on Edna Ferber's novel and co-starring Elizabeth Taylor and James Dean.
Hudson and Dean both were nominated for Oscars in the Best Actor category.
In the 1950s Hudson made nine films with acclaimed director and father-figure Douglas Sirk, Sirk's own favorite being The Tarnished Angels ( 1958 ).

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